To watch my Travel Vlog CLICK HERE. Keep scrolling for more!

Over the last few weeks I’ve been reminiscing on my US holiday earlier this year, partly because it was the catalyst for the journey to what is now the Melanie May Blog, but mostly because my Instagram feed has been filled with happy snaps from friends and fellow bloggers enjoying their European or American summers all while I’ve been over here freezing my butt off in an unusually cold winter…. Thank goodness spring is only a few weeks away!

In case you didn’t know, I love travelling! I believe that it is one of the only things that you can spend money on that will make you richer as a person; the culture, the food, the mishaps and memories, it’s all about the adventure. This trip was particularly special because it was my partner Ben’s first real overseas holiday and so that made it all the more exciting.

We planned the trip over 6 months in advance so it’s safe to say that it was highly anticipated. We flew out the day after my birthday with 3 destinations on the itinerary– Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Hawaii. For 2 weeks we shopped, explored, swam, hiked, ubered, danced, ate and occasionally slept.

I came home the same person but with a new dream and direction. I think sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone to get a new sense of self and direction (gee that got a bit deep).
Anyway, this is my little walk down memory lane, CLICK HERE to watch our travel vlog.
